Thursday, February 19, 2009

American Business

I sat in a Starbucks today in Fort Washington, PA, checking email between meetings while on the road. At the table next to me were with two gentleman and a woman. The woman was a sales rep for ice cream shop supplies - ice cream mixes, ice cream cones, yogurt, etc. One guy was the owner/operator and the other was the managing partner.

After the 20 minutes that I eavesdropped on the conversation, she took the order, filled out the paperwork, and set up the account. "Diane" was so professional from start to finish - I actually went out to the parking lot when she left to compliment her.

Here's the best part - while sitting there and watching the two guys talk about their new ice cream shop this Spring, sharing the floor plan with Diane, and oozing excitement about the new venture, it gave me a certain sense of comfort and faith in the American businessman.

Despite Washington D.C.'s best efforts to waste a trillion dollars, the stock market's obvious disdain for the current economic situation, and the constant negative media that bombards every hour, here are two guys sitting in Fort Washington, PA - completely oblivious and thinking of nothing but their ice cream shop in a Starbucks when it's 40 degrees and windy outside.

This is why America is great.


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