If you're one of the two people that stumbles across my blog this week, please note that I'm now hosting and writing at a new location:
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Bye Bye Blospot... On to a New Location
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Monkeys & the Housing Bubble
Good news - monkeys would have taken option ARM and pay-as-you go mortgages too:
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Equilibrium Economics & DSGE
Many thanks to Greg Mankiw for posting the link on his blog to Robert Solow's prepared statement to the House Committee on Science and Technology Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight - “Building a Science of Economics for the Real World."
The only way that DSGE and related models can cope with unemployment is to make it somehow voluntary, a choice of current leisure or a desire to retain some kind of flexibility for the future or something like that. But this is exactly the sort of explanation that does not pass the smell test.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Social Media Monopoly
Facebook has been around a while and still emits a feeling that it's still in start-up stage. Monopoly power is a good thing - that's what drives entrepreneurs to create new products and services because of the clear profit motive. Would be a shame if they missed their profit opportunity but waiting too long to capitalize.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Rational Optimism - Matt Ridley on TED.com
How humans' ability to conceptualize and capitalize on gains from trade leads to economic and societal progress:
Monday, April 19, 2010
Recent Housing Bubble reads
Both are worth the time. Makes me want to draw up an org chart of the key players just to see the direct and dotted lines to the whole thing.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mad Props to Southwest Airlines
This showed up in my inbox this afternoon.
Greetings from Southwest Airlines:That. Is. Awesome.
I’m sorry that we were unable to get you to the terminal promptly and off the airplane quicker after your flight arrived at Denver on April 11. Unfortunately, your gate was occupied by another LUV jet that evening that was taking a little longer than we expected—we appreciate your patience during this situation. Naturally, we’d like to provide you with better travel experiences; therefore, I am sending you a LUV Voucher that can be applied toward a future Southwest reservation. You can be sure that we are looking forward to welcoming you back again real soon.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Howard Dean, Fiscal Conservative?
I was fortunate enough to attend the ASF 2010 Working Lunch, pretty good rubber chicken with a side of CNBC's Larry Kudlow moderating between Howard Dean and Newt Gingrich. Much to my surprise, Howard Dean appeared to show signs of fiscal conservatism and the willingness to speak with candor and criticisum about the Obama administration.
- "You can't have capitalism on the way up and socialism on the way down." - Newt Gingrich when about about US government invention into the financial markets.
- "I'll let Newt save his modesty - he's running." - Howard Dean answering for Gingrich when Gingrich was asked if he was gearing up for a 2012 Presidential run.
- "No way." - Howard Dean when asked by Kudlow if Hillary Clinton was preparing to oppose Obama in the 2012 Democratic primaries.
- "There's a 50/50 chance that the Republicans will pick up a majority in both the House and the Senate in the 2010 mid-term elections." - Newt Gingrich
- "About 45 Senate seats and 30-40 House seats." - Howard Dean's perspective.
- Dean & Kudlow agreed that they would not have re-appointed Ben Bernanke to the Federal Reserve. Gingrich said he would have.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
An Appreciation of Milton Friedman
I got into a Facebook conversation yesterday about capitalism and greed, and immediately thought about this excerpt of the Phil Donahue show, interviewing Milton Friedman back in the 1970s:
And as is the beauty of YouTube, I also found this episode of the Charlie Rose show, taped just a day after Milton Friedman passed away a couple years ago. Great stuff:
"Inflation is a monetary phenomenon..."
Saturday, January 23, 2010
The Venture Capital Market
There's a wonderful blog conversation ongoing between Paul Kedrosky and Fred Wilson on the optimal number of venture capital firms. To summarize, both advocate for a reduction in amount of capital and number of VC firms participating in the market.
Check out Kedrosky's post from this week - Fred Wilson and the Venture Capital (Non-)Cartel and Wilson's - The Venture Diet is Working.
I look at it from a market standpoint, driven by supply and demand. But like a good economic analyst, I've got more than two hands...
1. Good firms will survive and poor ones will exit. The challenge though is the slow speed of entry and exit in the VC market. Firms can take years to raise capital from investors, then need time to evaluate eventual investments, then ride them through to exit. Unsuccessful firms that enter the market take years to display their incompetence, so the market is stuck in the intermediate term with an over supply of VC firms and capital. Overall, you'd think that's a good thing for entrepreneurs - more investment money chasing fewer projects. But, VCs are not a commodity product - each have their advantages and strengths that abet entrepreneurs in their drive to successful exit. This means that entrepreneurs need to examine their options more closely - more money and more favorable terms doesn't always mean the best deal.
2. Maybe the challenge is not an over-supply of VC firms, but a dearth of investment targets. Are we out of good ideas? I'd say no way this is the case. There are always plenty of good ideas in today's global marketplace, with that number rising exponentially as countries like India and China gain increased access to technology and build a economic infrastructure that supports the development of new technologies to replace the old.
3. Market inefficiency could be an explanation - there isn't enough communication between aspiring entrepreneurs and VCs. I don't think this is the case either - VCs get hundreds of business plans submitted every week and "investable"start-ups only going to develop in markets with access to communication nodes and infrastructure that provides clear awareness and access to the existing VC firms.
4. Or maybe it's that the venture capital model is no longer relevant for a majority of emerging companies. Back in December 2008, I wrote that venture capital is moving "up the ladder." As deal size requirements get bigger and bigger, that means that the exit opportunities must be bigger and bigger. There's limited room for the mega-exits, so that means that more and more start-ups are seeking smaller investment amounts funded by angel investors, leaving the formal venture capital firms with fewer investment opportunities. Bigger exit requirements also mean smaller rewards for company founders and early-stage team members that accept venture capital. That makes the whole idea of funding with VC less attractive. Altos Research is bootstrapped, profitable, and quickly growing (gasp!). Our company founders never wanted to use VC as a vehicle for precisely this reason (and others...).